Let’s Work Together

Leadership Consultant & Coach

Danelen Johnson aka Dané

Together we’re a force for positive impact and success. 


You want a cohesive team of conscious leaders that fuels growth.


I help leaders, teams, and organizations thrive 





Together we’re a force for positive impact and success. 

That's where I come in – to help you and your team tap into possibilities and thrive.

As a leader, you want a cohesive team of conscious leaders that fuels growth, a driven and innovative team that's excited to come to work every day and share ideas, and a culture built on trust and psychological safety. You want to cultivate a workplace that supports your team's purpose and values, not just profits.
But navigating change, making conflict productive, increasing engagement, and reducing turnover can feel overwhelming. 

As an ICF Professional Certified Coach and expert culture and leadership consultant, I’ve used my education in neuroscience, change management, mindfulness, resilience, and conscious leadership to help executives and leaders from small and mid-sized firms and from Fortune 100 and 500 companies achieve deep internal transformation that leads to powerful team transformation.

With a corporate background at the Director level and an MBA focused on leadership, and as a human being experiencing all the joys and the struggles that life affords us, I understand the challenges you face. I’m dedicated to my own personal growth, and I'm here to guide you on your own path to conscious leadership and a thriving team.

Education, Experience, & Genuine Care

We have to continue to grow our understanding of ourselves and the personal experiences we bring to the office every day before we can show up as conscious leaders who inspire growth in others.

I create a safe, non-judgmental space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and questions, fostering an environment of growth and collaboration. And I offer fully customizable packages to make coaching accessible to leaders at all levels.

My approach is human-centered because all professional growth requires Growth as a Human Being. 

— Thich Nhat Hanh

We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.


Throughout my childhood and adolescence I was surrounded by addiction, mental illness, and loss, which meant I had to learn independence early on. My drive for success led to academic and professional achievements, but also brought battles with perfectionism and mental health.

Through it all, I've learned that life is messy, and our past experiences don't just disappear when we go to work. These challenges have taught me compassion, empathy, and the importance of continuous growth. I’ve also learned to find the beauty and the lessons in the messiness.
I've been blessed with individuals who have supported my journey and helped me see what's possible. Now, I want to be that guide for you, drawing on my own experiences to help you navigate the path to conscious leadership and a thriving team.

Growing up wasn't easy for me

Hanging out with loved ones, eating, drinking, and laughing

Connecting with far-away friends and family via Zoom or phone

Reading thought-provoking fiction, memoirs, and personal development books

Exploring new places through travel

Cuddling with my adorable French Bulldog, Tony

Enjoying the delicious meals whipped up by my partner, Matt, who loves to cook

When I'm not coaching leaders and teams, you can find me:


Discover how we can work together.